Innovative System for Controlling the Composting Process of Sludge and Digestates
EQUIPO Europe Prosta Spółka Akcyjna has received a grant from the European Union for the project “Development of an innovative system for controlling the composting process of sludge and digestates.”
The project is being implemented to strengthen the company's potential and introduce innovative solutions in the enterprise.
The project is carried out within one module: R&D.
As part of the project, we plan to develop an innovative method for composting sludge and digestates. This method will contribute to optimizing the composting process, saving energy consumption, and increasing the quality of the fertilizers obtained. Additionally, the control, steering, and management of the entire process will allow for the biological stabilization of the composted sludge.
In the initial phase, the project will benefit employees involved in the processes of composting sludge and digestates at EQUIPO EUROPE Sp. z o.o.
Ultimately, the modern solutions will benefit entrepreneurs engaged in composting sludge and digestates in Poland and abroad.
The result of the project will be an innovative method of composting sludge and digestates, which will control, steer, and manage the composting process of municipal sewage sludge with varying degrees of biological stability and digestates using advanced numerical methods.
Project Value: 7,804,139.00 PLN
European Funds Contribution: 5,027,598.00 PLN
Forecasting the Activity of Biomass Decomposing Organic Matter Based on the AT4 Parameter.
EQUIPO Europe Prosta Spółka Akcyjna has received a European Union grant for the project titled
"Development of an Innovative Method for Predicting the Biological Activity of Biomass of Living Organisms Responsible for the Decomposition of Organic Matter in the Aerobic Stabilization Process, Expressed by the AT4 Process Parameter."
The project is being implemented within a single module: R&D.
As part of the project, we plan to develop an innovative numerical method that, unlike the physicochemical analysis method, will allow the calculation of the predicted AT4 value at a specified confidence level in real time. In practice, this means creating an extremely practical process control tool essential for making critical decisions related to aerobic stabilization technology.
The target group consists of Municipal Service Plants processing the biodegradable fraction of municipal waste streams and private entities providing services for such plants.
The outcome of the project will be an innovative numerical method allowing the determination of the biological activity level of biomass of living organisms responsible for the decomposition of organic matter in the aerobic stabilization process, expressed by the AT4 process parameter.
Project value: 4,902,368.50 PLN
EU contribution: 3,167,947.50 PLN